The Supper Club
Here at CWF, what we do isn’t just a supper club.
There’s a reason why it took on the name ‘Not to Get Deep’.
Inspired by the classic phrase (ironically usually used when people are, in fact, saying something very deep), our supper club is designed to flip the saying on its head by creating an environment where people feel so open that they do indeed get deep, and they feel heard enough to not put the guard back up.
Getting older in the society we live in can be very hard and isolating. Food is something I, amongst many, was raised to consume as a group, as a bonding activity, where quite literally everything is laid on the table. This tradition is still very important in cultures like mine and kept alive. It fosters real connection.
This supper club brings high quality, seasonal food, inspired by cuisines all over the world, onto the table to break barriers culturally, and then puts this food on shared plates between strangers to break barriers emotionally. It provides an honest experience to bond.
This practise of intentional connection helps diners leave as new longtime friends, building connections in the world that are lasting, and contributing to a less lonely society.